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Imagine getting back to what you love...

jump rope, running & plyometrics

without the confusion of how to start back to impact, fear that you're doing it wrong & worry that you might make your postpartum leakage, pressure or pain worse.

If you’re a brand new mom, or toddler mama  looking to return to impact activities like running, HIIT or CrossFit safely, then you already know this…. you need to start back to impact the "right" way.

You've done the research & you want to get back to impact the safest way possible.  You know that diving into impact too soon without enough preparation isn't what you want for your postpartum body.  Maybe you went back too fast or too hard the last time, regretted it & you promised yourself, this time is going to be different. 

You are in the right place mama, & this mini-course was meant for you.

By the end of this mini-course,

you will have…


  • A Clear "Why" For Your Symptoms During Impact

    Before babies, you probably didn't give a second thought to running, jumping or impact.  If you're experiencing leakage, pressure or pain with impact, this mini-course is the perfect first step back to reclaiming impact in your workouts!
  • Pressure Management Strategy 

    You might feel like you're weak or broken (Trust me, I've been there!), but the key is to find a strategy that works to reduce leakage, pressure or pain (or keep you from having it in the first place!) These strategies are concise & efficient!  (Not 17,000 exercises that don't work!)
  • A Solid Foundation for Real Life Workouts

    Impact training is included; perfect if you're navigating leakage, pelvic organ prolapse or other pressure management issues. AND NO, I don't mean kegels!  We're going to move!
  • Knowledge That You're Learning From the Expert

    Dr. Carrie has 30+ years of running experience, 20+ years as a Pelvic Health Physical Therapist & has returned to running, CrossFit & yoga after 2 babies.  She's stood in your shoes, unsure of where to start, made & learned from common mistakes.  She has problem solved through prolapse, leakage & diastasis recti herself & with countless postpartum women.   

"I now have confidence to try more dynamic & impact exercises! I thought I would never be safe to do those again!!"


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The Real Moms' Guide to Postpartum Return to Impact 


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I can’t wait for you to join The Real Moms' Guide to Postpartum Return to Impact Mini-Course

As a life-long runner & a Women's Health Physical Therapist for years, I had a hard time finding guidance on what I needed to do to get back to impact activities safely after having my son.  After I had my daughter 2 1/2 years later, I knew I needed to get strong & joined my local CrossFit gym.  Finding guidance to navigate impact for singles, doubles (someday!) & box jumps was even harder!  Everything I knew about getting back to workouts focused on mat activities or just plain standing...nothing prepared me for impact!

This mini-course was created so you don't have to struggle make a plan & find solid resources like I did.  If you're ready to get back to impact in a smart way that is realistic for moms  (simple & do-able without the guilt trip), you're in the right place.

Grab your workout shoes, your jump rope & a box.  The time is now.
